Sunday, October 6, 2013

St. Francis's feast day, and Our New Church updates

Hello there!

Well of course, we must celebrate St. Francis's feast day. After all, we have some nature lovers in this household.

Of course, we are praying on this day for Pope Francis too. I especially pray that he consecrates Russia as Our Lady asked. The church is in such a mess that only through Our Lady will these problems be solved.

Here are some pictures of Our St. Francis's feast day. This is a traditionally a day when you can get animals blessed. I am sure that it is mostly for farm animals (because it involves livelihood), but perhaps your parish priest would bless your home critters too?
This picture was included with a book about St. Francis written by Robert F. Kennedy. I framed it and it will go in Nature Boy's room.
Here are some other good books about St. Francis (for kids).
The  book on the right is written by Tomie de Paola (he has quite a collection of good books).
This book was written by Josephine Nobisso. The illustrations are lovely.
We did have a craft today. I have  been doing this sort of craft for St. Francis's feast day for a few years now. We make pine cone bird feeders. .
Some peanut butter, a pinecone, a pipe cleaner, and some bird seed.
Take some pipe cleaner and tie it around the pinecone. Then smear peanut butter  all over the pine cone and roll it around in the seeds. Voila! Hang up and there you go.
 I was privileged to be at Our New Church beam signing and also the corner stone blessing. How awesome it will be! It will be a beautiful church, for God. A beautiful church to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. One day my children's children will be in this church. I am excited! I felt like I was part of history!
Here is the beam signed by many parishioners. Ready to go up into the church.
and finally into the church.
Wow! So many pictures in the post. Hope you enjoyed seeing all of them.