Friday, August 30, 2013


For awhile, I have had this idea to do silhouettes of the kids. My little sister gave me some frames and with a quick trip for some card stock and I was ready to go ( all of 2 months to do....ahem!)

I took a profile picture of each of the kids, printed it out, then used it as a template to cut out of paper card stock. I picked some pretty backgrounds and there you go. (the girls' background I really do like and if I could find a real wallpaper like that print, I would soon snatch it up and paper my walls with it...but I digress, on to the pictures!)
boy's background
 girl's background
In the frame and ready to hang. I did write each of the children's names in there with the date
and now hung up...I love the way it looks on the wall near the wainscoting. It felt really good to complete this craft.
Do you like it?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tweaking the school day, making plans, and seeing what works.


Been keeping pretty busy this new school year. My husband's work schedule has changed a bit this new school year and so we must tweak our school day.

We start a littlie earlier (yawn) but it is working out pretty well. I don't have much free time these days, but I am enjoying our days together.

I started the older boys with Memoria Press grammer this year instead of the Seton English. I am not sure I like this, but we shall see, before we make any final decisions.

So, here is a list of what the older two are doing; Latin (with Dad), Greek (with Dad), Math (dad), Catechism (mom), grammer (mom,) spelling, handwriting, literature, and Roman History, vocabulary, oral narration,and dictation (mom)

The two younger ones; Math (dad), and catechism, reading, oral narration, writing, etc. with me.

While he works with the older boys I school the younger ones and visa versa.
I am pretty spoiled to have him here during most of our school day.

During meal times I am reading the bible or Our Lady of Fatima. They each have their day as a kitchen helper and we have been trying out, bread making together (just yesterday I tried my hand at soaked dough to make it more digestible).
 by the way
if you notice in this picture the container with the flour was on it's way to the floor....yep.....

 I try to teach wherever I am as you can see.

I like to finish up the school day early (skipping breaks) so we can finish early. That leaves afternoons free.

This fall I hope to give them all their own garden plots to plant and tend to. Aren't we cute?

Had a birth yesterday, yes sir, one of the pigeons babies hatched right in the hands of Nature Boy. This isn't the first time, but we all still get pretty excited.
On to a practical note, to help the homemaker in all of us.  Here is a nifty basket idea for the coffee. Put in the coffee, sugar and filters in one basket for easy get to and storage. So simple....
 and there is goes
it my disaster of a pantry. I accept this and it's really ok that it's a disaster.....mostly.
Off I go now, I wish I could say, "off I go to my nap", who is kidding who?..I never get to nap. I am so stinkin' tired right now, that anything amuses me.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer fun, wet froggies, sugar butterflies, and a sugar humming bird?

Having some wet muddy fun over here. I don't care for the major mud clean-up, but I know it's so hot that unless we have a pool (and no, I don't want one) the kids keep cool  by the outside hose. Of course, with the dirt in the back yard we get a bit muddy.

Who wants a bunch of muddy kids coming in for lunch (because you know darn well, they are not done playing) all muddy and wet ...only to go back out again.

So, I make a picnic lunch for them. Mini sandwiches and some grapes. And finally....when you are really done playing in the water then we can change.

One of the kids ( I know you can guess who) built a small pondish area. We have been bringing our toad to partake in this enjoyment.

Last but not least we had a birthday party. I have ordered these before, "sugar butterflies" and they are so worth it. They look so real (they taste like an ice cream cone).
This picture turned out a bit dark let's try this one.
ok, and I just had to show your these. Just had to.....
If anyone wants to know...I wouldn't object to these at all on my birthday. God bless!

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I thought I would drop in and write a quick post. Most everyone is sleeping in. Sometimes the 11:00 mass is a God-send.
As I am writing this I am hearing a bit of a quarrel go on in the next room....oh, it's stopped. Thank you Curious George. IN case you don't know we are Curious George fans.

Do you find your vocation hard? I do. Yesterday, I made a resolution that anytime I wanted to grumble (to myself) I would instead say a prayer and be done with the grumble. I was very humbled at how much I wanted to grumble.

Humbled by the grumble, humbled by the grumble, humbled by the grumble....(that was fun for me...I know such a nerd I am!).

I decided to do this because even though I might not grumble out loud, I know it effects my mood, and as my little sister said,"we want to show our girls how to be good mothers and wives".

That really hit home with me.

What kind of mother am I? How do the children view me? It's true I must be a disciplinarian, that is not really as fun and making a pie or playing a game with the children. I must show all of them how to behave for their own futures. It's a very weighty thought.

I must protect their souls. I must be ever so diligent with how they play, what they watch, where they go.  And no matter what others may think of me I must place God's good view first!

I must teach them how to fish (teach a child to know that saying). This always entails my greatest struggle, to be consistent and making sure everyone helps as they are capable. To show them how. How to tie their shoes, how to fold clothes, how to dust, how to answer the phone. The patience this takes, is a cross to bear, yet how I rejoice when we do learn that life skill!

 I must keep my spiritual life in good order, so they see it's the most important thing in life. Do I pray often, do I teach  catechism, do I pray for them. How do I use my spare time?

(true, mothers need refreshment, but how did Christ take His refreshment? He went alone to pray.)

I must watch what I say. I must be careful to always talk with charity. I must be careful in how I correct, do I correct with a good spirit or with a tired and aggravated spirit.

How do I interact with my spouse? Do I speak with love and respect to him? Do I correct him in front of the children? Do we work together as a team?

So, Sunday is here and yet another day I can thank God, and ask Him for help, guidance and strength. I tell you, sometimes (all the time) I am exhausted. True, my joys are great, my smiles are genuine, though a bit weary looking.

Now, to our Assumption day activities. I have been making it a tradition that we drink tea on this day. We use my special tea pot with the flowering tea leaves.
I better get. It's getting late. By the way if this is too preachy, chalk it to a mother giving herself a "pep talk".

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Just some summer time prettiness

It's pretty hot here in the summer.  I won't deny that summer vacation away from home is a special treat for me, especially since I get to visit the OCEAN!

I do find it pretty here and just to prove there are pockets of pretty in my neighborhood ...
Some cool pink clouds before a storm. Monsoon season is one of my favorites.
Of course we are avid watchers of hummingbirds. We have some frequent visitors, some so frequent that we have named them.
That's all for now. We went to mom's for a pre-school year lunch. I won't deny it, chick-fil-ae is pretty darn tasty. I better get one of the kids has to show me the doves. Did you know that Inca doves mate for life?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Gearing up for a new school year

Though we school year round, there comes a time at the end of the summer that we get our "new" books. I am pretty excited. I love to make new plans and decide what did work what didn't work and what is not necessary.

I have been reading a bit about Charlotte Mason and do like what I see so far and (this may be old news for all you veterans) have found Elizabeth Foss.

It is ever so much easier to find information, order books and find support. I wish mom had this when we were young!

I am also streamlining our day. Housework will have to be done after school. I have to tried to fit in doing laundry and a bit of housework, but it proves too distracting.

I have some to the realization that my home will have to be messy until "later". ha!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

New in this neighborhood

Well, we finally managed it a little community of blogs rolled into one!

I hereby name this sub-blog "My Humming Bird Nest". It fits don't you think? A busy mama tending to her brood. Anywho, I must get ready for mass so...I will catch you later.