Friday, August 30, 2013


For awhile, I have had this idea to do silhouettes of the kids. My little sister gave me some frames and with a quick trip for some card stock and I was ready to go ( all of 2 months to do....ahem!)

I took a profile picture of each of the kids, printed it out, then used it as a template to cut out of paper card stock. I picked some pretty backgrounds and there you go. (the girls' background I really do like and if I could find a real wallpaper like that print, I would soon snatch it up and paper my walls with it...but I digress, on to the pictures!)
boy's background
 girl's background
In the frame and ready to hang. I did write each of the children's names in there with the date
and now hung up...I love the way it looks on the wall near the wainscoting. It felt really good to complete this craft.
Do you like it?