As I am writing this I am hearing a bit of a quarrel go on in the next room....oh, it's stopped. Thank you Curious George. IN case you don't know we are Curious George fans.
Do you find your vocation hard? I do. Yesterday, I made a resolution that anytime I wanted to grumble (to myself) I would instead say a prayer and be done with the grumble. I was very humbled at how much I wanted to grumble.
Humbled by the grumble, humbled by the grumble, humbled by the grumble....(that was fun for me...I know such a nerd I am!).
I decided to do this because even though I might not grumble out loud, I know it effects my mood, and as my little sister said,"we want to show our girls how to be good mothers and wives".
That really hit home with me.
What kind of mother am I? How do the children view me? It's true I must be a disciplinarian, that is not really as fun and making a pie or playing a game with the children. I must show all of them how to behave for their own futures. It's a very weighty thought.
I must protect their souls. I must be ever so diligent with how they play, what they watch, where they go. And no matter what others may think of me I must place God's good view first!
I must teach them how to fish (teach a child to know that saying). This always entails my greatest struggle, to be consistent and making sure everyone helps as they are capable. To show them how. How to tie their shoes, how to fold clothes, how to dust, how to answer the phone. The patience this takes, is a cross to bear, yet how I rejoice when we do learn that life skill!
I must keep my spiritual life in good order, so they see it's the most important thing in life. Do I pray often, do I teach catechism, do I pray for them. How do I use my spare time?
(true, mothers need refreshment, but how did Christ take His refreshment? He went alone to pray.)
I must watch what I say. I must be careful to always talk with charity. I must be careful in how I correct, do I correct with a good spirit or with a tired and aggravated spirit.
How do I interact with my spouse? Do I speak with love and respect to him? Do I correct him in front of the children? Do we work together as a team?
So, Sunday is here and yet another day I can thank God, and ask Him for help, guidance and strength. I tell you, sometimes (all the time) I am exhausted. True, my joys are great, my smiles are genuine, though a bit weary looking.
Now, to our Assumption day activities. I have been making it a tradition that we drink tea on this day. We use my special tea pot with the flowering tea leaves.
I better get. It's getting late. By the way if this is too preachy, chalk it to a mother giving herself a "pep talk".
I think you are a good mother and wife and a bit too hard on yourself!
ReplyDeletewell now, are all politeness! (reading Austen....forgive my language)