Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tweaking the school day, making plans, and seeing what works.


Been keeping pretty busy this new school year. My husband's work schedule has changed a bit this new school year and so we must tweak our school day.

We start a littlie earlier (yawn) but it is working out pretty well. I don't have much free time these days, but I am enjoying our days together.

I started the older boys with Memoria Press grammer this year instead of the Seton English. I am not sure I like this, but we shall see, before we make any final decisions.

So, here is a list of what the older two are doing; Latin (with Dad), Greek (with Dad), Math (dad), Catechism (mom), grammer (mom,) spelling, handwriting, literature, and Roman History, vocabulary, oral narration,and dictation (mom)

The two younger ones; Math (dad), and catechism, reading, oral narration, writing, etc. with me.

While he works with the older boys I school the younger ones and visa versa.
I am pretty spoiled to have him here during most of our school day.

During meal times I am reading the bible or Our Lady of Fatima. They each have their day as a kitchen helper and we have been trying out, bread making together (just yesterday I tried my hand at soaked dough to make it more digestible).
 by the way
if you notice in this picture the container with the flour was on it's way to the floor....yep.....

 I try to teach wherever I am as you can see.

I like to finish up the school day early (skipping breaks) so we can finish early. That leaves afternoons free.

This fall I hope to give them all their own garden plots to plant and tend to. Aren't we cute?

Had a birth yesterday, yes sir, one of the pigeons babies hatched right in the hands of Nature Boy. This isn't the first time, but we all still get pretty excited.
On to a practical note, to help the homemaker in all of us.  Here is a nifty basket idea for the coffee. Put in the coffee, sugar and filters in one basket for easy get to and storage. So simple....
 and there is goes
it my disaster of a pantry. I accept this and it's really ok that it's a disaster.....mostly.
Off I go now, I wish I could say, "off I go to my nap", who is kidding who?..I never get to nap. I am so stinkin' tired right now, that anything amuses me.



  1. How many hours are you schooling per day this year?

    Lovely idea with your coffee.. I have been prepping the coffee stuff at night.
    Been tired too quite a bit lately and I have no kids!

    I'm signing everything this way so we can differ a bit :-)

    **Real Hunie**

  2. It depends on the day, but I'd say 5 hours or so. The husband preps the coffee making the night before GOD BLESS HIM.

  3. Very good idea for the coffee. :) We don't drink too much coffee here lately unless I'm having a migraine. D has been trying to reduce how much coffee he drinks and so has been making himself tea in the mornings. He drinks coffee at work.

    That's amazing about the pigeon!

    You are very blessed to have J there to help homeschool.

    I'm so sorry about the flour mess. :/
